
Our experience has taught us that it can be awkward to start a conversation about mental health and employee wellbeing. Our experience has also taught us that people can and do change. That even the most cynical, complaining and negative employee can, with support, education and practical strategies take their first steps towards improving their own wellbeing whilst also contributing more positively to the wellbeing of others in their team.

From working with our clients, and in our ongoing research into the design of this system, our clients have reported that they really enjoyed the simplicity and ease of use. For less than 5 minutes of admin time per fortnight, you will be bringing quality educational resources that are relevant, evidenced based and fun to your team.

Membership Options

Instant access to workplace and family programs, and assistance at your fingertips including:
Safer Happier Workplaces

Assist team leaders to create a Safer Happier workplace

Leadership Sprint

Assist team leaders to create a Safer Happier workplace

Coming Soon
Not On My Shift

Not On My Shift will there be any harm! A game changer in creating safer and happier workplaces


Join The Waitlist

Be the first when the Not On My Shift program opens very soon!